Monday, November 12, 2007

"One More River to Cross" Brown vs. Board

This article hits key points of race, segregation, and denial. After reading the handout that was given to us in class last week, I was able to have a better understanding of the different issues and topics that were discussed in this paper.
After all of the discussions that we have had in class, in regards to power, privilege, codes of power, S.C.W.A.A.M.P, etc. this whole topic has had its ups and downs. After reading this article I do agree with Lawrence that this country is still in denial. However, I do not believe that all over the United States there are still racial tensions at an all time high. But yes, we are all still in denial. I am NOT a racist, I am not prejudice, I have been brought up in an environment where I was taught to have an open mind, and respect others. I have lived up to everything I have been taught. But I do see segregation at times. But not to the extremes where we are forced to sit at different ends of buses, or drink from different water fountains; even in Donovan you see how there are certain tables where a large group of Hispanics or African Americans will sit. This is NOT done intentionally. I sit with my friends and the people that I am friendly with just as everyone else does. It is interesting though to see that first hand at your College or University.
I think the thing that stood out to me right off the bat was at the end of the first paragraph of the article. "Each step forward was just that, a step. There would always be 'one more river to cross". This is unfortunately true. I believe that Lawrence is saying here that racial tension will never be completey done and over with. But I would like to think that one day everything will be equal; and not just in a racial sense, but for men and women in the work place, or between upper and lower class, etc. Perhaps the first step is electing a female or African American male into office? I think that would be pretty cool if you ask me.


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